Registered: 04/12/06
Posts: 123
Loc: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico |
Quintana Roo is the second state that forms the Yucatan Peninsula (in alphabetical order). The Mayan civilization development mainly to the north and the south of the state as well as of its coast having itself relations with the center and the south of the peninsula, interchanging scientific and mercantile knowledge, was born and grew great cities of which here today we have left ruins, some even without being discovered keeping jealously the mystery from the Mayans.
Quintana Roo es el segundo estado que forma la pen�nsula de Yucat�n (en orden alfab�tico). La civilizaci�n Maya se desarrollo principalmente al norte y sur del estado as� como de su costa teniendo relaciones con el centro y sur de la pen�nsula, intercambiando conocimientos cient�ficos y mercantiles, aqu� nacieron y crecieron grandes ciudades de las cuales hoy nos quedan ruinas, algunas aun sin ser descubiertas guardando celosamente el misterio de los Mayas.
Archaeological site in investigation process.
Sitio arqueol�gico en proceso de investigaci�n.
The main building of the Set of the Routes originally was constructed with the piramidal adjustment characteristic of the temples, nevertheless, this was modified to also constitute an enclosure under vaulted, that represents like excellent characteristic a central altar in the interior, in where a pictorial reason associate to the account for the time was shaped and the cycles of the sun and of Venus, recreating, the concept of the four courses, so important in the Mayan thought.
El edificio principal del Conjunto de las V�as fue originalmente construido con el arreglo piramidal caracter�stico de los templos, sin embargo, este fue modificado para constituir un recinto bajo abovedado, que representa como caracter�stica sobresaliente un altar central en el interior, en donde se plasm� un motivo pict�rico asociado a la cuenta del tiempo y a los ciclos del sol y de Venus, recreando asimismo, el concepto de los cuatro rumbos, tan importante en el pensamiento maya.
In the facades of the Great Plinth, two constructive stages can be observed, that repeat the same architectonic pattern. In his final stage it presented/displayed three staggered bodies on which the ceremonial buildings rest. Surely both small buildings that finish off one of the access perrons had like function restricting the passage to Temple 2 and the sacred space that had to represent as a whole the surface of the Great Plinth.
En las fachadas del Gran Basamento, se pueden observar dos etapas constructivas, que repiten el mismo patr�n arquitect�nico. En su etapa final present� tres cuerpos escalonados sobre los cuales descansan los edificios ceremoniales. Seguramente los dos peque�os edificios que rematan una de las escalinatas de acceso tuvieron como funci�n el restringir el paso al Templo 2 y al espacio sagrado que debi� representar en su conjunto la superficie del Gran Basamento.
Contiguous to this building, still are other greater constructions without exploring, that as a whole constitute a small seat with central altar that communicates with the habitacionales platforms that flank the calls Routes.
Contiguas a este edificio, se encuentran otras construcciones mayores a�n sin explorar, que en su conjunto constituyen una peque�a plaza con altar central que se comunica con las plataformas habitacionales que flanquean las llamadas V�as.
One of the excellent characteristics of the establishment is the presence of monolithic circular altars and wakes, of which single one already represents hieroglyphic texts very eroded, that disable their reading.
Una de las caracter�sticas sobresalientes del asentamiento es la presencia de altares circulares monol�ticos y estelas, de las cuales solo una representa textos jerogl�ficos ya muy erosionados, que imposibilitan su lectura.
The Acropolis is considered like the construction of greater extension of its type in several hundreds of kilometers to the round one, counts on little more than 200 meters by side and more than 10 meters of height. Its irregular conformation must to the existence of located previous constructions within her.
Palaces, platforms with rooms above, temples, a field of ball game and other structures were constructed; the access became through ample inclines, but also the possibility that exists it was made by perrons until today not located. Most of the structures of this impressive construction they have not been explored
La Acr�polis es considerada como la construcci�n de mayor extensi�n de su tipo en varios cientos de kil�metros a la redonda, cuenta con poco m�s de 200 metros por lado y m�s de 10 metros de altura. Su conformaci�n irregular se debe a la existencia de construcciones anteriores ubicadas dentro de ella.
Se construyeron palacios, plataformas con habitaciones encima, templos, una cancha de juego de pelota y otras estructuras; el acceso se hac�a a trav�s de amplias rampas, pero tambi�n existe la posibilidad de que se realizara por escalinatas hasta hoy no localizadas. La mayor�a de las estructuras de esta impresionante construcci�n no han sido exploradas.
You click here to see, Cob�
Haz clic aqu� para ver, Cob�
To the front of Temple I one opens to a seat crossed to the north and the south by two extended buildings, identical as far as architectonic project.
Al frente del Templo I se abre una plaza franqueada al norte y sur por dos edificios alargados, id�nticos en cuanto a proyecto arquitect�nico.
In the side the west of the seat is Temple II that, like the I, has their main facade towards their own seat, to the west.
En el lado poniente de la plaza se encuentra el Templo II que, al igual que el I, tiene su fachada principal hacia su propia plaza, al oeste.
The plinth of Temple II surely contains several mortuary cameras, in whose interior were important offerings and the rest of a personage, one of the "kings" of Dzinbanch� of the Classic Tardi�.
El basamento del Templo II contiene varias c�maras mortuorias, en cuyo interior se encontraron importantes ofrendas y los restos de un personaje, seguramente uno de los "reyes" de Dzinbanch� del Cl�sico Tardi�.
In front of Temple II another seat, surrounded by seven buildings between which the XIII stand out, or temple of the Captives is opened, in line located straight with the stairs of Temple II and a circular altar that is to the center of the seat.
Frente al Templo II se abre otra plaza, rodeada por siete edificios entre los que resalta el XIII, o templo de los Cautivos, ubicado en l�nea recta con la escalera del Templo II y un altar circular que est� al centro de la plaza.
The building has several constructive times; in the last one a section in the inferior part of the stairs was added that it gives to the main seat. This leaning became with great blocks, some of which take to representations of captives military and allusive glifos to the confrontation.
El edificio tiene varias �pocas constructivas; en la �ltima se a�adi� un tramo en la parte inferior de la escalera que da a la plaza principal. Este adosamiento se hizo a base de grandes bloques, algunos de los cuales llevan representaciones de cautivos de guerra y glifos alusivos al enfrentamiento.
El meco
The portion of the site at the moment explored includes a seat of clear ceremonial and political function, as well as a series of distributed administrative structures palaciegas and in its surroundings. In the seat it emphasizes by his monumentalidad Structure 1 traditionally, well-known like the Castle, that is a plinth of quadrangular plant and four bodies, finished off by a temple of tripartite entrance that shows the typical manufacture of the style of the Eastern Coast.
La porci�n del sitio actualmente explorada incluye una plaza de clara funci�n ceremonial y pol�tica, as� como una serie de estructuras palaciegas y administrativas distribuidas en su entorno. En la plaza destaca por su monumentalidad la Estructura 1, conocida tradicionalmente como El Castillo, que es un basamento de planta cuadrangular y cuatro cuerpos, rematados por un templo de entrada tripartita que muestra la t�pica manufactura del estilo de la Costa Oriental.
The excavations of Peter Schmidt, first, and of Luis Leira later, demonstrated the existence of a substructure conformed by a smaller plinth in whose superior part it conserved a temple of a single access and more modest architecture. The intervention conducted between 1997 and 1998 by Leira, has allowed to expose a good part of the later portion of this plinth, as well as the excellent conservation of the stucco plastering that still covers to him.
Las excavaciones de Peter Schmidt, primero, y de Luis Leira m�s tarde, evidenciaron la existencia de una subestructura conformada por un basamento menor en cuya parte superior se conserv� un templo de un solo acceso y arquitectura m�s modesta. La intervenci�n efectuada entre 1997 y 1998 por Leira, ha permitido exponer una buena parte de la porci�n posterior de este basamento, as� como la excelente conservaci�n del enlucido de estuco que a�n le cubre.
The perron of the most recent stage, recovered in 1997, conserves the rest of closings with figures serpentines, very similar to those of the Castle of Chich�n Itz�. The foot and both sides of the plinth two constructions can be observed, one of which evidently it corresponds to a temple, whereas the other would seem to respond to the Poscl�sico pattern of the residential and/or administrative buildings rather.
La escalinata de la etapa m�s reciente, restaurada en 1997, conserva los restos de remates con figuras serpentinas, muy semejantes a las de El Castillo de Chich�n Itz�. Al pie y a ambos lados del basamento pueden observarse dos construcciones, una de las cuales evidentemente corresponde a un templo, en tanto que la otra parecer�a responder m�s bien al patr�n Poscl�sico de los edificios residenciales y/o administrativos.
The construction of the present highway "left" in two to the nuclear area of the establishment, reason why the complementary habitacional area, as well as the pre-Hispanic wharf, remains isolated. Although they have still not been explored, its distribution allows to suppose that in that zone some residents lived on the site, possibly tie to the harbor and commercial activities that were carried out there.
La construcci�n de la actual carretera "parti�" en dos al �rea nuclear del asentamiento, por lo que el �rea habitacional complementaria, as� como el muelle prehisp�nico, permanecen aislados. Aunque todav�a no han sido explorados, su distribuci�n permite suponer que en esa zona vivieron algunos residentes del sitio, posiblemente vinculados a las actividades portuarias y comerciales que all� se llevaban a cabo.
El Rey
At the moment the buildings located around two seats and one road oriented on a North axis can be visited - South, that is a good example of the advances of mesoamericano urbanism.
Actualmente pueden visitarse los edificios ubicados en torno a dos plazas y una calzada orientada sobre un eje Norte - Sur, que es un buen ejemplo de los avances del urbanismo mesoamericano.
Structure 2 is the more important piramidal plinth, because he is the one of greater height and the only one that presents/displays the classic adjustment of the religious buildings finished off by a temple. The observed being, the building shows diverse architectonic stages, that document the great constructive activity that characterized to the zone during centuries XIV to XVI.
La estructura 2 es el basamento piramidal m�s importante, pues es el de mayor altura y el �nico que presenta el arreglo cl�sico de los edificios religiosos rematados por un templo. Al ser observado, el edificio muestra diversas etapas arquitect�nicas, que documentan la gran actividad constructiva que caracteriz� a la zona durante los siglos XIV a XVI.
it was baptized to him with the name of "the King" because in this building the burial of a personage of certain importance was located, was discovered the superior portion of a sculpture that represents an ornamented human face with touched elaborating, that surely a personage of high rank portrays. Today, the head of "the King" along with ceramics objects, receives, jade, shell and bone is in the Archaeological Museum of Canc�n.
se le bautiz� con el nombre del "El Rey" debido a que en este edificio se localiz� el entierro de un personaje de cierta importancia, se descubri� la porci�n superior de una escultura que representa un rostro humano ornamentado con un elaborado tocado, que seguramente retrata a un personaje de alto rango. Hoy, la cabeza de "El Rey" junto con objetos de cer�mica, cobre, jade, concha y hueso se encuentran en el Museo Arqueol�gico de Canc�n.
Structures 1 and 4 correspond to ample palaces conformed by great galleries to columns that maintained a flat ceiling. Inside these elegant spaces, surely meetings of political and administrative type were made which they attended the noble personages who governed the city.
Las estructuras 1 y 4 corresponden a amplios palacios conformados por grandes galer�as con columnas que sosten�an un techo plano. En el interior de estos elegantes espacios, seguramente se realizaban reuniones de tipo pol�tico y administrativo a las que asist�an los nobles personajes que gobernaban la ciudad.
The main set complements with the structure 3, that includes at least three buildings type palace, that would seem to have worked like real rooms, because here glifo has been identified ahaw, that denotes the nobility and sovereignty of its inhabitants.
El conjunto principal se complementa con la estructura 3, que incluye al menos tres edificios tipo palacio, que parecer�an haber funcionado como habitaciones reales, pues aqu� se ha identificado el glifo ahaw, que denota la nobleza y soberan�a de sus habitantes.
The site is conformed by a series of architectonic sets of ceremonial character and residential, some could have worked like districts or familiar groups of high level.
El sitio est� conformado por una serie de conjuntos arquitect�nicos de car�cter ceremonial y residencial, algunos pudieron haber funcionado como barrios o agrupamientos familiares de alto nivel.
It must be said that the building of greater ritual symbolic importance and is, of course, the Temple of the Large masks.
Debe decirse que el edificio de mayor importancia simb�lica y ritual es, por supuesto, el Templo de los Mascarones.
Within the group of the structures of high rank, also it must be included to those of the Seat of the Wakes (the Palace of the Wakes, the Grader�a and the King), to the interior of which public or administrative activities were possibly carried out.
Dentro del grupo de las estructuras de alto rango, tambi�n debe incluirse a las de la Plaza de las Estelas (el Palacio de las Estelas, la Grader�a y el Rey), al interior de las cuales posiblemente se llevaban a cabo actividades p�blicas o administrativas.
The Acropolis, another one of the great sets of the site, also belongs to the residential buildings of high level.
La Acr�polis, otro de los grandes conjuntos del sitio, pertenece igualmente a los edificios residenciales de alto nivel.
Of smaller rank, although of smaller interest not to be perhaps of administrative function, they are the buildings of the Merwin Seat, where some excellent examples of the own architectonic style of the site can be appraised.
De menor rango, aunque no de menor inter�s por ser quiz� de funci�n administrativa, son los edificios de la Plaza Merwin, donde pueden apreciarse algunos excelentes ejemplos del estilo arquitect�nico propio del sitio.
In Kohunlich also a series of residential buildings has been excavated that had been occupied by elite governing of the site; most important they are the corresponding ones to the sets known like the 27 Steps.
En Kohunlich tambi�n se han excavado una serie de edificios residenciales que hab�an sido ocupados por la elite gobernante del sitio; los m�s importantes son los correspondientes a los conjuntos conocidos como los 27 Escalones.
The visit to the diverse structures allows to recognize the development of the architectonic styles of the site, from the "moldings in apron" Pet�n type of the Temple of the Large masks
La visita a las diversas estructuras permite reconocer el desarrollo de los estilos arquitect�nicos del sitio, desde las "molduras en delantal" tipo Pet�n del Templo de los Mascarones.
Access to the Acropolis
Acceso a la acr�polis
Palace of the wakes
Palacio de las estelas
Game of ball
Juego de pelota
Los Alacranes
Reconstruction on the part of the archaeologists.
Reconstrucci�n por parte de los arque�logos.
Wakes found in the first findings
Estelas encontradas en los primeros hallazgos
Numerous the architectonic vestiges and their geographic extension cause that Muyil is the greater pre-Hispanic establishment of the Reserve of the Biosphere of Sian K�an. The site counts on 45.0000 hectares, approximately.
Los numeroso vestigios arquitect�nicos y su extensi�n geogr�fica hacen que Muyil sea el asentamiento prehisp�nico m�s grande de la Reserva de la Biosfera de Sian Ka'an. El sitio cuenta con 45,0000 hect�reas, aproximadamente.
The pre-Hispanic establishment is conformed by two sectors Muyil A and Muyil B.
El asentamiento prehisp�nico est� conformado por dos sectores Muyil A y Muyil B.
First it occupies a considerable extension, and it consists of several architectonic groups between which are piramidales plinths; structures civic-nuns, platforms, foundations of houses room, sacb� or internal white way whose length overall is of 500 meters and one intrincate network of earthworks.
El primero ocupa una considerable extensi�n, y consta de varios grupos arquitect�nicos entre los que se encuentran basamentos piramidales; estructuras c�vico-religiosas, plataformas, cimientos de casas habitaci�n, un sacb� o camino blanco interno cuya longitud total es de 500 metros y una intrincada red de albarradas.
Whereas Muyil B is conformed by little low platforms, a building civic-monk and several earthworks.
En tanto que Muyil B est� conformado por escasas plataformas bajas, un edificio c�vico-religioso y varias albarradas.
Of more than twenty detected archaeological sites in Sian ka'an, mainly in the coastal area, Muyil is the one of greater importance by the amount, dimensions and complexity of its architectonic rest.
De los m�s de veinte sitios arqueol�gicos detectados en Sian ka'an, principalmente en el �rea costera, Muyil es el de mayor importancia por la cantidad, dimensiones y complejidad de sus restos arquitect�nicos.
Additionally, emphasis in the architectonic singularity of the Castle and in the interesting adjustment of the surrounding buildings must become.
Adicionalmente, debe hacerse �nfasis en la singularidad arquitect�nica de El Castillo y en el interesante arreglo de los edificios circundantes.
This archaeological zone represents one of the complex societies but of the Mayan world.
Esta zona arqueol�gica representa una de las sociedades mas complejas del mundo Maya.
The Mayas constructed to the most important buildings of the city, including temples, sunk palaces, seats, patios and isolated constructions, to little thousand meters of the bay, with the advantage of an ample natural platform. In order to supply itself of fresh water, the inhabitants of the site constructed chultunes and wells to catch rainwater.
Los Mayas construyeron los edificios m�s importantes de la ciudad, incluyendo templos, palacios, plazas, patios hundidos y edificaciones aisladas, a escasos mil metros de la bah�a, con el aprovechamiento de una amplia plataforma natural. Para abastecerse de agua dulce, los habitantes del sitio construyeron chultunes y pozos para captar agua de lluvia.
At the moment the structures of two great seats recently taken part can be visited.
Actualmente pueden visitarse las estructuras de dos grandes plazas recientemente intervenidas.
Under the floor of that temple two tombs were constructed where the bodies of two important personages, accompanied by diverse objects to offering way were placed.
Bajo el piso de ese templo fueron construidas dos tumbas donde se colocaron los cuerpos de dos importantes personajes, acompa�ados por diversos objetos a manera de ofrenda.
The Seat Bees is conformed by five buildings of ceremonial and residential function. In the Far East of the seat, is a platform with four bodies that maintains to a temple of a single enclosure.
La Plaza Abejas est� conformada por cinco edificios de funci�n ceremonial y residencial. En el extremo oriente de la plaza, se encuentra una plataforma con cuatro cuerpos que sostiene a un templo de un solo recinto.
San Gervasio
Sacb� 1 leads until another set of San Gervasio, known with the name Nohoch Nah (or "great house", that is a temple of the Poscl�sico period constructed on a small plinth with two stairs of access, and in that still some painting fragments are conserved mural.
El sacb� 1 conduce hasta otro conjunto de San Gervasio, conocido con el nombre de Nohoch Nah (o "gran casa", que es un templo del periodo Poscl�sico construido sobre un peque�o basamento con dos escaleras de acceso, y en el que a�n se conservan algunos fragmentos de pintura mural.
In the extreme northwest of this seat is an isolated arc that it indicates to the beginning of sacb� number 1, that in some time seems to have indicated the entrance to the main sector of the site and that after a route of little more of a kilometer and means, leads until the molas site of end, to the north of the island.
En el extremo noroeste de esta plaza se encuentra un arco aislado que se�ala el inicio del sacb� n�mero 1, que en alg�n tiempo parece haber se�alado la entrada al sector principal del sitio y que despu�s de un recorrido de poco m�s de un kil�metro y medio, conduce hasta el sitio de punta molas, al norte de la isla.
First of the sets that can be seen is the well-known like Manitas, call thus from the impressions of human hands that they are conserved in the inner walls of the main building that is a construction of style Eastern coast.
El primero de los conjuntos que puede ser visto es el conocido como Manitas, llamado as� a partir de las impresiones de manos humanas que se conservan en las paredes interiores del edificio principal que es una construcci�n de estilo costa oriental.
Continuing the route towards the west, it will find to the building known like the Poplar in reference the enormous one the beautiful tree that conserves itself there. The recent works made in 1997 have shown that this building, along with the known ones like Murals, the Palace, the Osario and the Pilasters, conformed an elegant set of structures palaciegas and ceremonial that surely constituted the central area of the city during the last times of pre-Hispanic occupation of the island.